A day in the life

By Shelling

Still Winter

We do snow, down here, but not much and not for long, at least not this year I think. I've had winters here where snow has been around for weeks, but not often, and not this year. Since Öland is a flat landscape, there is often wind involved in the snow-making so even if we don't get a lot of snow it can pile up in drifts and stop the traffic while there's no snow at all 50 metres from the place. The road to my house seems to be one of those places today. When I got home from work this evening there was a lot of snow on my road and hardly any on the sides of it. It's downhill so I could roll through it and it all will be gone by tomorrow, or most of it will.

This evening was the last performance of the annual New-year-Revy, a show about events in the world and locally, set to music, song and dance and comedy acts. The humour isn't very deep and theres no nuances to the acts but the art-form is very popular among some of the, mostly older population around here. This was their last bow after forty shows since New-years eve and I was working as an audience guide and safety person on my balcony. (extra)

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