Dot to Dot Concentration

Euan stayed at home from Nursery today so that we could take him to the Sprouts Playbarn.  We were booked in at noon so it was a leisurely start.  After breakfast we built a train circuit and he and Grandad played together whilst I packed the bag with spare clothes and snacks etc.  Then we turned the dining table in to a craft table and he filled another page of his Daddy scrapbook with stickers and straws, using copious amounts of glue!  There was some magic painting and then he had another go at his dot to dot book.  Last time this came out there was lots of scribbling over the pages but this time it was full on concentration.

It was time for off and we drove to Millets Farm and made some purchases in the garden centre, a pot for Mummy's plant chosen by Euan, and a squirty bottle for him to water his new seeds planted with Grandad.  Then we were off in to the warmth of the playbarn and lots of fun for the next couple of hours.

We were all tired when we returned home so Euan had a rest on the settee with Grandad and Bob the Builder, whilst I prepared the dinner lasagne.  Euan has been good company all day.

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