The bed for the spare bedroom has been delivered. They cart it all upstairs for you but that's all, so now I'm off to put it together.

My son and partner are coming to dinner later and this is a new recipe I'm trying, Smoky Bangers and Beans, but as I'm doing it in the slow cooker the sausages will be nicely browned and added later.

I've been quite confused about the work to swap me to full fibre broadband due to appointments being cancelled so often. I still had an entry in my calendar for today but have now realised that today's job already got done the other day. That was Kelly's part done with. Plusnet's part, i.e. connecting up inside the house, that I thought was today has now been confirmed for next Tuesday. So no charity shop for me then... unless Plusnet cancel because there's no other morning I'm free, but perhaps an afternoon.

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