Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Blue on Blue

A ringtail damselfy of some description.  I think I am going to have to get myself a good field guide of the paper variety as I can't quite work out which type of ringtail.  I have thought it previously a wandering but it could be something else so lets just leave it there.

It's been a busy day.  I had arranged with my Aunt to take her shopping but when I got there she wasn't up for it and if truth be told had forgotten our conversation on Monday.  Hey ho.  I am finding it difficult and frustrating to work out how best to help her but I'll get there in the end.  I rang the provider of her hearing aids (long story there and best left alone at this stage) and agreed to pick them up this afternoon.  So before I picked them  up I went home and attacked the lawns and garden except the trimmer is being difficult.  I said some choice words to encourage it but it has ignored me so it will be youtubing to see what may be wrong or off it will go for a service.  I put it in the same category as the vacuum cleaner which knows I detest it and it too is making life difficult for me.    No time for drum practice which I really need to do with the performances on the weekend.

Thanks so much for the lovely welcome back yesterday.  I am trying to catch up but I fear I am going to be marked "F" at this rate. 

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