Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

Carrington Hydraulic Engine (Pump) house and MM423

I chose the theme of symmetry for today's WW.   What I was thinking of was getting some lovely reflections at the Lake, perhaps a lone yacht.  Hmm, it's been raining most of today but in a brief lull, I nipped out and got this shot of the pump house as it is quite a symmetrical building in my view.  It was completed in 1877 and powered hydraulic cranes on the eastern side of the harbour for coal loading.  I have blipped it before but can't find my blip which had the information about it so there is a link here to an article if you want to know more.  It has undergone it's external renovation.  The innards may not have been done as yet.

I am hosting Wide Wednesday this month.   I plan to have the results out by Friday AEDST provided my hearts have been replenished by then after hosting MM.  I will award 5 hearts and 5 HMs unless I get carried away like tonight.

So moving on to ...drum roll .... Mono Monday 423 results in no particular order I gave hearts to:
Desert Camel
Freespiral - a landmark that brought back happy memories for me.  Yes I am biased.

Hms to:
serious frollic

I hope I haven't stuffed up any of the links.  Let me know if I have.

And finally, the seas are raging.  I thought I would post a shot of the other pump house (the igloo) I got on my way home as it was being engulfed.

PS, just swapped the colour version for mono which I prefer but I have left the colour in the extra.

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