Park Run

I got my old legs into gear this morning and went to the park for a couple of circuits. 

My running was good. The weather was cold but dry, so about normal for early March. 

Unfortunately I was attacked by a dog within the first few minutes. It tried to bite my ankle, but I was too quick for it and it only got the material of my tracksuit bottom. Not a good start. 

About 10 minutes later another dog jumped up on me. I am not sure if it was being aggressive - the owner had it on a long lead and pulled it off me - but it was still scary.  

When I started my Couch-to-5k efforts in the summer I often went to the parks very early so as to avoid idiot dog owners, but that option is not available in the winter months. It will be soon, but it seems a shame to have to do that.

The Blip is just me planning ahead to see what sports watching options are coming up. This Saturday's is organised already. 

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