
By spannarama

Backup blip

Had a lovely morning - sorted a few things out around the house and then Tim and I headed out for a walk across the heath and over to Greenwich Park. Stopped in at a couple of charity shops on the way, to drop off a load of books my Mum brought over from (my old bedroom in) her house last weekend. Also picked up some sandwiches on the way, which we ate for lunch in the park. We were feeling so chilled out and relaxed, we decided on the way back home that we couldn't be bothered going climbing as planned this afternoon.

Turned out that was just as well, as my laptop decided it had had enough of life and presented me with the much-feared blue screen of death this afternoon. Tim then spent most of the afternoon trying to coax it back to life, and finally restoring all the factory settings (wiping EVERYTHING from it in the process). Thank goodness I'd only just backed up all my photos a couple of days ago....

It's now installing over 100 updates, and I still need to reinstall Lightroom, so in the meantime here's an emergency backup blip straight from my phone.

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