Mother and Child Reunion

This was a scene where two teasels reminded me of a mother and child being reunited. They almost seemed to be reaching out for each other. So I'm giving it the title of a favorite Paul Simon tune. :-) The soundtrack song, of course, is this one: Mother and Child Reunion.

A couple of other quick random things, in no particular order.

1. Did you ever hear a song you've heard a million times before and liked it, and then suddenly, you fell in love with the way the artist's voice sounded during that particular time period?

That has happened to me twice, recently. First, when I was watching Bob Dylan: Live in Newport 1963-1965, on our local public broadcasting station a bit more than a week ago. I have always loved Bob's songs but I've often preferred OTHER people's versions of them. And I've always secretly thought his son Jakob was a far better singer. Then I heard Bob Dylan's voice from the early to mid 60s, and WOW!!! The show started at 10 p.m. on a Saturday night. I sat and cried through the whole thing. Yes, I cried.

My husband made fun of me for crying about it the next day, but I just couldn't believe how good his voice sounded, doing some of the early favorites we've all, always known. Yes, I own Greatest Hits 1, 2, and 3, and Blood on the Tracks. I might need more early Dylan. Suggestions appreciated.

The second time this happened recently was Paul Simon, with the song I included above! I just heard it and thought - His voice is sorta high, and he sounds so YOUNG and so INNOCENT.  Anyway, more early Paul Simon too? Thoughts, folks?

2. The last time I saw my dentist for a cleaning, I asked him if he ever thought about retiring. He told me, with gusto, that he was NEVER retiring. Guess what. He's retiring. I got an email about 2 weeks ago that I initially missed. He is encouraging all of us former patients to transfer our electronic records to NEW DENTISTS before the end of March, when he retires. I feel shocked and betrayed! A new dentist? After all we've been through together?

3. I recently discovered that somebody who used to be on my Facebook friends list had unfriended me sometime in the past month. She is someone I've known for a while, and I just noticed I wasn't seeing her updates. So what the heck did I do to tick somebody off enough to unfriend me? I'm about as middle-of-the-road and uncontroversial as you can get! Intentionally so! I told my husband about some things this person posted in the past year, and he suggested maybe I was just too happy for her to put up with. Maybe seeing my happiness made her sad. I don't know if that's true but it's an answer I resonate with. Maybe I was too happy. Maybe I have things she wants in life and doesn't have. Then again, maybe . . . she just doesn't like ice? (BWA-ha-ha-ha-ha!)

4. I hurt my left foot a couple of weeks ago at Cherry Run. There were a bunch of new-fallen big trees. I am a little person, about 5'2". I was climbing over a big tree, and I had my daysack and water shoes and chair in a bag, and it was all just too much. I stepped over the log with my right foot. Tried to bring the left foot over too. It got caught on the downed tree. I pulled, trying to MAKE that foot come. Whacked the tree. Then started FALLING toward the tree, putting all my entire weight on my left ankle. Have you ever hurt the top front part of an ankle, where the foot meets the leg? For all-around misery, I just don't recommend it. For a few days, it hurt to wear a shoe on it. It is still tender, if you can believe it. So be careful out there, you walkers, especially if you are walking in the woods where there are hazards. And this is my advice to other daily walkers: if you are less able, walk less; as you are more able, walk more.

5. There is a sad thing happening now that I can't talk about, but I ask you for prayers for an unspoken need for someone I love. Please don't ask. It's not my story to tell. I'll share more when the time is appropriate. Thank you!

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