Garden Flowers....!!!

Hyacinth and tulips coming into last..
We could certainly do with a bit of color during these very drab dreary and so little sunshine..

Today was another funeral...this time more local and in the town near where I grew elderly lady ...a neighbor and great friend from the village we lived sad, the last really of that generation to go..she was 93 years and in a care home for a number of years suffering from Alzheimer’s. So a blessed relief for her but for her large family still the loss of their mother....for me a revisit to many, many wonderful memories as an only child I spent as much time in that house as my own.
She was an amazing lady gifted with her hands ...she made and iced thousands of Wedding Cakes when cake decoration wasn’t as popular as it is now..she was a very active member of the ICA...The Irish Country Women’s Association and a member of The Irish Country Markets.
She was also a creative gardener..and a wonderful flower arranger.....
And one other thing I used love to watch in awe....she made butter in a twin tub washing machine....!!
Has anyone ever seen that...!!??
RIP Nancy.

3rd March...Quote ...

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