An ordinary life....

By Damnonii

From Inside the Gin Palace...

Outside of the Gin Palace HERE

Well oh my goodness me!

What started out as a dull, grey, wet, misty morning had, by mid afternoon, transformed itself into a summer's day! You could have knocked me down with a feather.

Marion came to spend the afternoon with Alan. David and Kenny headed off to play golf at 12.30 with waterproofs and brollies and Ele and I headed to Gloagburn for lunch.

As we sat stuffing our faces nibbling daintily at our sandwiches, we looked out onto the Perthshire countryside grumbling that if it wasn't for the mild temperature outside, you would think it was early March.

Then a miracle. Within an hour the sky had cleared and this yellow orb appeared in the sky. Back at the house we all piled into the garden and sat in the sun. First time this year. Ele and I ventured down to the bottom of the garden to the Gin Palace and had a think about how it shall be decorated and furnished.

Thoughts at the moment are the outside will be painted a muted soft green with the inside painted cream. I'm seeing a two seater sofa and a couple of smallish chairs, little table, book case to store stuff like THIS for entertaining purposes. I think these colours are apt as they're kind of Bombay Sapphire and lime / cucumber colours. Perfect gin theme :)) And my gorgeous Spring Swap cushion will fit perfectly :D

There will of course be a fridge with a small freezer compartment. None of this trailing back to the house everytime we need ice!

The decking is going to be extended so that there's plenty of room for Alan's wheelchair for when he wants to join us. Oh and of course there will be bunting and fairy lights! I'm SO excited! I've never had a Gin Palace before!

When it's finished, you're all invited for a G&T :))

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