
Like yesterday, but this time in soft evening light with the super macro lens. Worth another blip in the absence of any other strong competitors. Not had irises on the balcony before.

Mr A wanted a quiet day so that he could work on his assignment. I also felt that I could usefully do a bit of writing to get something that has a tendency to intrude into my nighttime head onto the page. Well, the screen. I also took the opportunity to do quite a tough and satisfying peloton workout, as well as finishing Toy Fights, and starting News of the Dead. I'm reading the March book group book (The Mad Women's Ball) at night on my kindle. It's mercifully short. I plead guilty to not having finished the February one yet, but I might go back to it over Easter, as a completist. Another "good thing" today was discovering the CD Humanity by Simone Drescher, specifically this bit of Bach (worth your time), via a Spotify playlist which Mr A had on at breakfast time. I heard it filling the flat from my bed even before I got up....and it provoked in me, yet again, the thought that after Bach, I'm not sure why anyone ever bothered to write beautiful evocative music. He'd basically done it, hadn't he? What was the point in further experimentation?

Tomorrow, I go south and Mr A goes north. I know which I would rather be doing.

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