Snow in March

A walk after lunch, just as the snow turned to sleet and rain, though I didn't have to walk too far up the hill before I was engulfed in a swirling snow-storm.  I was pleased I took my stick as it was quite slippy under the top layer of snow.  I guess because the temp of the ground was slightly above freezing.  Forecast for more snow during the night and tomorrow morning. It's times like this that I'm pleased I'm retired. It doesn't sound as though it will last too long, but what is to follow doesn't sound good either.

I've finally got around to re-editing the Penistone CC Book of Colour (from two years ago). I'd promised Richard I'd do it and a change if rules for free publishing on ISSUU have changed, so I needed to reduce the pages.  There are a couple more that I will need to work on.

I'm just going to do a catch-up as I seem to have got behind again!

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