A seed of an idea might be developing

I've got an idea that I can use some of my in-camera multiple exposure images in a project that has wealth at its centre but impacts most strongly on those who have nothing.  Serendipity came to the fore in some of my window images, taken at Wentworth Castle Gardens, when seemingly the pit-head wheels that were such a prominent part of our landscape for many years emerged in the images.  My first thoughts, in terms of developing a project,  were to link it with my grandad who was a miner in the deep mines in Castleford, but then I thought about the inescapable tragedy endured by a local community when a flash flood accounted for the lives of 26 children who were drowned while underground.  So whereas  `the rich man in his castle' could afford to indulge himself with a magnificent home and a show of his wealth (built on the proceeds of coal-mining and the slave trade) the poor of the district, some as young as seven, laboured away underground and risked their lives and health just to put a small amount of food on their table.  I'm not sure I can pull this off as a visual idea at the moment, so I need to think about it.  It will probably need to have  two contrasting sides.  Also at the back of my mind is the play that Ann wrote (which almost got used by the BBC if she'd followed it up with the edits they suggested) might provide me with some words.  I just need to find it!

I was on my way to lunch at Cannon Hall with GG when I took the route past the church in Silkstone where the memorial to the children is sited.  The cafe was a bit packed yesterday and the dog population a little too close for comfort - well it wasn't easy to relax, so we had a walk around the grounds, following the route we used to take with my mum when she no longer was able to walk the full parkland route.

p.s. having just re-looked at my Zig Zag book creation on here I'm considering the possibility of making a new one with one side devoted to the house and one to the tragedy that unfolded underground.

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