
By Madchickenwoman

Dull but Incandescent!

A dull day with no snow! Looking at the news it's like I'm living in another country! Looking at the news I wish I was in another country! I've been obsessed with the fall out from Gary Linekers tweet - he compared  the language used to launch the new gov asylum policy with 1930's Germany. According to the BBC he is not allowed to make political comments. There is so much hypocrisy from the BBC it makes my bile rise! The chairman gave thousands to the tory party and brokered a loan to the disgraceful Boris. What they mean is that noone can criticise the tories. So much for a left wing BBC! I'm not a football fan but I fully support what Lineker tweeted and have nothing but admiration for him refusing to apologise and for his fellow football colleagues refusing to take part in the Match Of The day Programme in support of him. I followed the events of today on twitter and discovered that the BBC are also only airing the final episode of Attenborough's new series on iPlayer for fear his talk about climate change will bring a  rightwing backlash. Just what has this country become under the tories? Immigration is not the priority for people, affordable living is -  a choice between food or heating ones home is the major issue for so many. The tories and their minions on MSM are making a Trumpian move to inflate the numbers of  immigrants/refugees coming to this country and blame them for taking money, medical care, housing etc from us. Utter arrant lies. We are tenth in the number of refugees we accept as compared to other countries. 
I am so enraged I wrote an email  of complaint to the BBC today for their bias reporting - don't even get me onto Question Time presented by  a woman whose bias is clear to all but went even further this week saying Boris's father "only hit his wife once according to friends" Considering he broke her nose and she ended up in hospital and wrote a book stating he was often violent, I don't see how her statement could be seen as defending impartiality. This is the father Boris has listed for a knighthood. 
How much lower can this gov drag us.
I'll go to bed now!!

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