
On This Day In History
1930: Gandhi begins 241-mile civil disobedience march

Quote Of The Day
"Civil disobedience becomes a sacred duty when the state becomes lawless or corrupt. Noncooperation with evil is as much a duty as cooperation with good."
(Mahatma Gandhi)

What a day this has turned out to be. It started off well with a lovely walk along Southsea seafront down to the Royal Marine barracks to visit the spot where I had spread my father's ashes several years ago. I then walked back to Clarence Pier where I ate a delicious meal of fish and chips - my third since arriving in England. Make the most of it, right.

By the time I reached Clarence Pier the sun had gone in and it had become much colder and windier. I then walked to the Portsmouth Museum. That was interesting, with many exhibits that evoked a strong feeling of nostalgia, including the sailor doll in the Extras. I vividly recall seeing this at Clarence Pier when I was a small child. I put my coin in the slot, and then the sailor started moving a laughing. It terrified me and I ran and ran and ran down the esplanade. 

As planned a few days earlier, I took the train from Portsmouth Harbour to Chichester. My friend would meet me at Chichester Station and then I would stay at her place for a couple of days. Oh dear. When I arrived in Chichester, I found a text message saying that she can no longer accommodate me as she has had to go away to care for somebody whose father has died of cancer. Luckily, A, S and M live in Chichester. I phoned them and they took me back to their place so that I could book into the Travelodge in Chichester for three nights. They also gave me a meal and started washing my laundry because I have no clean clothes with me; they are in my suitcase which my friend was taking care of for me. She will return on Tuesday but I shall continue to stay on at the Travelodge.

So, there it is. A bit of a nuisance but still, at least I am not homeless and I have enough money to cover such emergencies. I am still going to go ahead as planned with meeting my niece in Arundel tomorrow.

 War Songs

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