Sunday In East London

We've had another fun day. We took the Overground from Wapping to Hoxton (Rory: do you know the Overground runs under the Undergound in places?). We had a walk through the Columbia Road flower market, quite a few people buying trees. Some antiquey shops and a busker. You know you are in London when the busker accepts card payments. I think we've seen that before somewhere actually, a sign of an increasingly cashless society.

Breakfast was a hot chocolate and huge pain au chocolat, taken in a playground while the boys ran off some energy.

Then we had a walk down Brick Lane. A couple of market stalls were selling old film cameras, old digital too I think, and chargers etc. The chess player was there, though I didn't give him a game.

There is a lot of graffiti around this area. I think it would give Bristol a run for its money. If I'd had more time I might have tried changing the Nikon logo to a Sony one.

Then a very nice Sunday lunch with prosecco (still celebrating my birthday) followed by the (electric) bus home and more cake.

Tea was hot cross buns again, then some games, including the classic Smelly Nappy Baby! Joe (my game, my rules!) is not good at losing. Then bath, books and bedtime.  Back to the hotel but too tired to do my photos and blip, so a morning catch up again.

Back home today (Monday) eagerly anticipating seeing what the decorator has achieved while we have been away.

One year ago:
Another Full Day

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