A day in the life

By Shelling

It's oh so quiet

...compared to yesterday when the wind was howling around my house. There's still a little wind but it's mild winds, we had around 12 degrees at mid-day and that felt really good.
The day had to start with cleaning up a bit, I have neglected my house and I felt ashamed looking at the floor in the hall, that looked like many muddy shoes has been in and out lately, which they have. And -I was expecting a student at ten so I cleaned the floor with water and then hoovered the rest of the flat, a good rehearsal for a more proper spring-clean later. I was done five minutes before my student arrived, perfect timing.

After lunch I started working on one of the songs Emma and me are going to perform in a couple of weeks in Växjö (I'd love to hear you pronounce it). The song is by Björk, the Islandic singer, who sings it in a bigband-arrangement with lots of power. I only have my guitar so I've been nervous about how to arrange it for the two of us. As usual there is a lot of idea-testing going on in the process and it took me a few hours to come up with something that felt right for us, and to decipher the chords used in the recording. 

I had time for a walk in the mild late afternoon and saw a real horse. I'm still almost having a holiday.

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