
A couple of hours getting more acquainted with the little grandson while his mum went off to the gym down in Newhaven. And we rubbed along pretty well, though he’s quite a demanding little fekker, wanting entertained and carried about. Rather like the SK then. Haw. Actually, he’s lovely and now eats big boy food. Like the SK there too, haw again.
After that, over to the boat to finish that wiring. Finished. It works! 
Then back to prepare for the boatie council. I have been hoist, so I have. Yes, by my own petard, whatever that is. Y’see a few years ago, at the then Rear Commodore's behest, I added a “suggestions” form to the website. Happily, it’s gone entirely unused since then. Until yesterday. The club twerp has sent in two. And of course, my lovely suggestions box signs off with "thank you - we will discuss your suggestion at our next council meeting”…..

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