I had my hair cut mid morning and then popped into Wilkos for birdfood... and these onions. I haven't grown onions since we lived in Spain and planted 500 every year, but those were plant plugs not sets but no matter, and I'll plant them inbetween the shrubs. I must also plant the broad beans, it's just not been the weather.

While putting the birdfood in the car I noticed a bag on the floor behind the driver's seat. Thank goodness I did because it was something I wanted to get my money back on from Aldi, who knows how long it might have lurked almost underneath the seat! So I did the return because Aldi was near, then onto B&Q to get some knotting and a curtain pole, both for the new batten in the kitchen. But when I got home I found I'd bought the wrong pole, burnished not polished, so that's another return to do!

On the cake front I've found the cool bag, so there'll be no need to use the nappy bucket to transport it :-)

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