Camu i mewn i hanes

Camu i mewn i hanes ~ Step into history

“Everything that flickered could be made permanent. That was what drew him to photography, what made every painstaking step worth it: the permanence of the image. That was what fascinated him, the working against time...”
― Katie Roiphe

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Aeth Nor'dzin i grŵp llyfr Sefydliad y Merched heddiw. Cynhaliwyd y cyfarfod yn fwyty ‘La Cucina Da Mara’ yn y pentref. Ar ôl i fi fynd i'r siopau gwnes i ymuno â hi am ginio.

Yn y prynhawn hwyr aethon ni i ymweld â ffrindiau ym Mhenarth. Aethon ni ar y trên yn y glaw.

Yn cerdded o'r orsaf i dŷ ein ffrindiau, welon ni'r camau hyn sy'n arwain at ffenestr a dim byd arall.  Mae'n ddiddorol sut hanes yn gadael ei marciau ar ein hadeiladau. Unwaith roedd yr adeilad hwn banc, gyda ffenestr yma. Yn hwyrach cafodd y ffenestr ei thynnu i wneud lle am beiriant arian. Roedd y peiriant arian angen camau oherwydd ei fod yn rhy uchel am rhai o bobol. Yn olaf, pan nad oedd yr adeilad bellach yn fanc, cafodd y peiriant arian ei dynnu i wneud lle am ffenestr. Ond doedd neb yn meddwl am dynnu'r camau i ffwrdd. Maen nhw'n gyfleus, wrth gwrs, os unrhywun eisiau edrych trwy'r ffenestr.

Cawson ni noson dda iawn gydag ein ffrindiau, gyda llawer o fwyd blasus, rhai o wydraid o win, ac wrth gwrs llawer o sgyrsiau diddorol. Ar ddiwedd y noson gwnaethon ni galw tacsi i fynd â ni adre. Roedd y ffyrdd yn brysur gyda llawer o geir oherwydd roedd e wedi bod gêm pêl-droed yn y dre. Roedd rhaid i'r gyrrwr gymryd llwybr cymhleth i'n cyrraedd adref gan osgoi traffig. Roedd e'n garedig iawn yn diffodd ei fesurydd o bryd i'w gilydd i wneud y daith yn rhatach i ni.

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Nor'dzin went to the Women's Institute book group today. The meeting was held at the 'La Cucina Da Mara' restaurant in the village. After I went to the shops I joined her for lunch.

In the late afternoon we went to visit friends in Penarth. We went on the train in the rain.

Walking from the station to our friends' house, we saw these steps leading to a window and nothing else. It is interesting how history leaves its marks on our buildings. Once this building was a bank, with a window here. The window was later removed to make way for a cash machine. The cash machine needed steps because it was too high for some people. Finally, when the building was no longer a bank, the cash machine was removed to make way for a window. But no one thought of taking the steps away. They are convenient, of course, if anyone wants to look through the window.

We had a very good evening with our friends, with lots of delicious food, some glasses of wine, and of course lots of interesting conversations. At the end of the night we called a taxi to take us home. The roads were busy with many cars because there had been a football match in town. The driver had to take a complicated route to get us home avoiding traffic. He very kindly switched off his meter from time to time to make the trip cheaper for us.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Camau at ffenestr lle roedd ATM yn arfer bod
Description (English): Steps to a window where an ATM used to be

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