
By tridral


Fflat ~ Flat

“There's no machine known that is more efficient than a human on a bicycle. Bowl of oatmeal, 30 miles - you can't come close to that.”
― Bill Nye

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Roedd ein beiciau yn  dyledus gwasanaeth.felly roedden ni'n mynd i seiclo i'r pentref.  Yn anffodus roedd un teiar beic Nor'dzin yn fflat .  Ceisiais i ei bwmpio i fyny ond gwnaeth e fynd i lawr yn gyflym.  Felly roedd yr unig opsiwn i gwthio fe i'r pentref.  Yn ffodus dydy'r pentref ddim yn bell ac roedd y tywydd yn dda. Felly cerddon ni, gyda teiar No'rdzin yn gwneud y sain gyfarwydd ‘flap, flap, flap’ wrth i ni gerdded ymlaen. Me'r beiciau yn drwm, felly roedden ni'n hapus i gyraedd y siop ac yn gadael y beiciau gyda Damien a chriw. Nawr rydyn ni’n edrych ymlaen at glywed bod y gwasanaeth yn gyflawn ac yna gallwn gasglu'r beiciau.

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Our bikes were due a service. so we were going to cycle to the village. Unfortunately one tire of Nor'dzin's bike was flat. I tried to pump it up but it went down quickly. So the only option was to push him to the village. Fortunately the village is not far and the weather was good. So we walked, with Nor'dzin's tire making the familiar 'flap, flap, flap' sound as we walked on. The bikes are heavy, so we were happy to get to the shop and leave the bikes with Damien and crew. Now we are looking forward to hearing that the service is complete and then we can collect the bikes.e.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Teiar fflat
Description (English): A flat tyre

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