
I didn't realise this afternoon, but Mollie took a couple of photos of me while I was in the greenhouse planting seeds this afternoon. Same seeds I planted straight into the ground at the allotment last weekend. They will have more chance if I do some in pots too. Plus a few flowers. I planted nasturtiums, and poached egg flowers, then a few tomatoes and some yellow courgettes. They are now all fulling the dining room table in the conservatory.

I was up early, and at Lidl queuing at 8am. Back home after doing Lidl and Morrison's by 9am. I think it was a record. So I had time for coffee with Jon before singing.

Nice and warm in the hall where we sing, and as always so nice to see all my lovely singer friends. From there I went to Sheringham for a few bits. I wanted a diary from The Works to use for work. I also bought a few other bits, but nothing from charity shops for a change!

I was home by 2pm in time to log in to my work computer. There was a pensions presentation I wanted to be part of. Just under 2 hours. It's a presentation I may be required to delivery in future, so made sense to see someone else. Then I went out to plant my seeds. It was warmer outside than in.

Cooked dinner, and then I lit a fire for the evening. I am very cross as a lump of wood jumped out and has burnt the carpet. Really annoying as our carpet is only about 3 years old.

The cat has snuck under my blanket with me. It's like having a hot water bottle I don't have to refill!

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