I'm forever blowing bubbles

On such a horrible grey day what to do for blip?

Spend all morning procrastinating preparing for and taking photographs of bubbles that are not bubbles :)

So how do you photograph bubbles?

1. Think very carefully what to do beforehand

2. Think inside or outside, decide inside

3. Clear a top against a wall to work on

4. Set up two chairs to hold small ladder instead of tripod (which I can't find)

5. Add two cd cases to allow for height

6. Open bubbles and blow bubbles, and more bubbles and more bubbles.

7. Knock over bubbles bottle with the lid open and make a mess

7. Look at photographs and pick one that is more focused. Multiply in picasa with using tints!

8. Post to blip, my work is done, phew! Wonder what sort of a response I'll get?

9. Tidy up....maybe I'll do it later...

Just works with The May Heartfreek Photo Challenge :)

I'm forever blowing bubbles Rather an old version...

Where has the time gone, I'm due at work at 1pm! Now to sort out my mess of a lunch that hasn't defrosted!

Thank you so much for all your lovely supporting comments the last few days.... An attempt to return to normality for a few days, whilst still sore and in pain now. For those that haven't caught up, I'm having the lump removed under general anaesthetic on 30th May. Hopefully I will only be working 4 days between now and then if I can take a days annual leave on the 29th!

Happy Tuesday folks :)

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