I was definitely not well enough to go to Church this morning, so Mr. HCB went on his own.  However, I watched the morning service sitting in bed - what a good job it wasn’t Zoom!  Although it wasn’t quite the same and I couldn’t sing because my throat is still very sore, I did enjoy it and had lots of lovely messages from friends when Mr. HCB got home.

Pooh Bear was a lovely gift for Mother’s Day from a very special friend, made a great “stand” for my iPhone, which also shows part of the service while I was watching and of course, he will join the Silly Saturday Gang, so watch out for him!

There are also other cards and gifts - daffodils, dark Maltesers, which are delicious - well I had to sample them - and some Bourneville Rum & Raisin chocolate, which I will save for another day.

I’m getting there but am amazed at how weak I still feel. Thank you all for your patience, understanding, kind comments and get well wishes  in the last few days. - I apologise for my lack of commenting - who knew that the flu virus could make one feel so poorly?!

You know how much I like exclamation marks - I found this word in an article I had saved from January:


A non-standard English punctuation mark that is a combination of a question mark (?) and the exclamation mark (!).
This lovely term comes from mashing together the 8th-century word for question mark (punctus interrogativus) with the slang term for the exclamation mark (bang).

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