A time for everything

By turnx3


We had a great service at church this morning. The Praise band had a guest singer with them, a friend of one of our Praise band members, whom she had sung with at a previous church. He had an amazing voice. The choir acted as a sort of back up group on one of their praise songs. The message this morning was talking about the I AM statements of Jesus, from the Gospel of John:
I am the Bread of Life
I am the Light of the World
I am the Door
I am the Good shepherd
I am the Resurrection and the Life
I am the Way and the Truth and the Life
I am the Vine
We are also looking at the Gospel of John in our Bible study, and we were looking at those passages last week.
We had time for a walk around Sharon Woods in the afternoon, where my blip was taken, before going for a casual dinner at a church friend’s. P. is Indian, and his wife, C who doesn’t come to church, is American. It was their home our Bible study group went to for a pot-luck lunch before Christmas. While there, they mentioned their very good neighbours. The father of one of them grew up on Guernsey like Roger and his Dad, and had been evacuated to England during the war, as had Roger’s Dad. So this was an opportunity for us to get together and meet them. It was a great evening, with plenty of food, as we had each taken something to share, and plenty of good conversation.
Step count: 11,141

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