New bike

Courtesy of the cycle to work scheme, Jon has a new bike - an electric one. Although he probably won't be actually cycling to work on it, it will be used around the city in the summer months, instead of his motorbike. So driving to the outskirts of Norwich with the bike on the back, and parking. It will make for a nice working day checking the trees, and the electric will assist him on the hill back out of the city. I dropped him at Halfords after I had been singing, and he cycled back.

Shopping and singing were completed as usual, with one being far mire preferable and enjoyable than the other!! I put the shopping away after lunch, and then sorted out my dining room table as it is covered in my seedlings....or rather seeds (nothing much has come up yet, only bread beans) I've moved them to my work table, and my work has moved back to the summerhouse. I've got more seeds to plant this month, and not much month left to do it. I've added a photo of my seed table.

I'm actually writing this from the French Quarter, without a coat on! It's not warm, but not cold either. I fancied the view and the fresh air. I'm already excited for the year ahead as Sring finally shows its face. I have blue bells and hyacinths in the garden coming in to flower. They are all a bit higgledy piggledy, but it's a nice surprise seeing eat has made it through the cold of the winter, as I never dig anything up to wrap in bubble wrap like Monty Don does!! If things die, it just gives me space to try something new the following year! And a few things have died, so I think next month, I will go out a buy a few more bits. The roses are looking healthy, and some lavender. I also lost 3 lavender so may not get any more. I'm an impulsive gardener. I don't have time/inclination to read up about soil types and position, I just go for what I like and hope!! :-)

An early blip done, and now I'll go in and hoover the lounge, and squirt some bleach in the really is too short for too much housework...

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