First Aid Kool Aid

Work! I’ve another of my “amusing" irreverent columns to scrieve for the boat club newsletter so I set to, chuckling at my wit. Oh, the scabrousness of it. When it eventually appears in print in a couple of months I’ll read it anew and probably realise I’m not <insert name of famous comic diarist, I can’t think of one> after all.
Round to the daughter’s to drop off her birthday presents - she has the covid so we weren’t for hanging about, sadly. 
And later I thought that I better go see this Everything Everywhere All at Once, as following its haul of Oscars, it’s getting reshown in a few cinemas. Oh my word, what a repetitious load of cack. Meandering, irritating, pointless, yes, these are some of the words I’d use if I was to write a review.
Instead I’ll just say I absolutely needed this pint. And, naughty me, I had a second! 

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