Anybody remember little & LARGE?

For those who may be WAY too young, Little and large were a pair of funny fellers, way back "when we were very young". Well some of us were.
The huge Rhododendron broke out yesterday, and, since I'd rockall lined up I thought I'd give them an airing.
I must admit I thought I'd Blipped the big fellah yonks ago when it first half-heartedly threw out a single, solitary, flower and chuffed me no end.

Unfortunately I didn't think to try and get the coin the same size on both, but I think it's close enough to illustrate the difference. For you furriners ... our 10P piece is exactly the same diam as a $0.25c bit.
Not a lot to write home about. Except that, in the annals of history, let it be recorded that She who must be obeyed actually parted with some cookery books, if only to make room for the newer ones.

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