If you can't beat them...

By Jerra

A grumpy Coal Tit (Periparus ater )

Another wet day, even wetter than yesterday.  Saturday so work at the Lodge.   We arrived to find a note telling us the dishwasher wasn't working!  Why oh why don't they report these things straight away so that we could have organised things before the next guests arrived this afternoon.

So after prepping the Lodge we headed into town, after having consulted our electrician of course.  A new one will be fitted early next week.  Dropped the laundry off and headed home.  If anybody is wondering why no "walk to the bins" blip the guests had kindly emptied all bins and taken the rubbish away.

By the time we were home given the cloud cover the light was getting low.  On the off chance, I stood hoping for a bird shot.  Most of them had the sense to be sheltering somewhere.  This Coal Tit was just sitting in the bush looking thoroughly miserable, normally they are in and out like greased lightning.

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