Mar 25

Partly sunny, but cool today. This afternoon I went for a drive and stopped at Lawrencetown Beach. It's on the Atlantic Ocean, so it is always cooler there than in the city during the summer. Lawrencetown has become a year round surfing destination. There was at least a dozen surfers out there hoping to catch a good wave. When you look at the people standing on the beach, you know it was cold. Then there was a guy that stripped down to his shorts and went in the water. He dunked his head under, then came back out of the water.
This morning I had a nice walk at Shubie Park. I ran into a photography/birder friend part way thru my walk, so we finished our walk together. As we were leaving, we saw a couple of women with cameras, so stopped to say hello to them. Neither of us had met them before, at least not in person. I recognized one from her picture on FB, so I asked her if she is *L*. We had never chatted, but often like or comment on each others photos. So it was nice to meet in person. The woman that was with her was another name that I recognized from FB too. 
She was telling us how by-law enforcement showed up at her door one day. She had been over at Lake Banook and scattered some seed on the ground to try and attract the wood duck closer for some photos. This woman is in her 70's, so it's not like she can get down on the ground to try and get closer to the ducks. Somebody must have followed her to her car, they got her license plate number and reported her to bylaw enforcement because she fed the ducks at a park. There are a lot of people who are guilty of doing this, myself included. I guess the moral of this story is 'Make sure no one follows you to your vehicle if you are going to scatter a bit of seed for the birds'

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