Wall of Fame

Up at lunchtime to the Traverse to see Write-Off by one Aodhan Gallagher. His first play apparently. And quite excellent it was too - about Freddie, a long-established fiction writer whose work has been judged (not least by his publisher) to be increasingly “problematic.” So he’s been urged to employ a sensitivity reader. Much hilarity ensues…
Back down to Leith for a vaccination - a pneumococcal one - no doubt my readers will be delighted to hear this, as it should aid my chances of longevity, protecting, as it does, against some cases of pneumonia, meningitis, and sepsis. Oh yes. Commas aplenty there!
And talking of longevity, I was straight up to the back room of the Diggers as Good Lord, MrT has hit the 75 year old mark. And unlike his 70th where he didn’t show up (having been whisked off in a medical emergency situation thing) he was there in person to receive his bottle and card and, thanks to the ever attentive staff at the Diggers, a celebration pie to go with his pint. Seventy five, eh? Who knew people could live so long?

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