My Best Efforts - Year 3


Flowers In.........

.........Flowers Out!!

Today marks my 365th Blipday! ( without a break!)

My first real picture, on the 17th of May last year, was of a Mock Orange and today's is of a rather lovely Rhododrendon - as you probably already know, flowers do tend to be a bit of an obsession with me!

I have SO enjoyed the past year of Blipping and really can't imagine a day without trying to find something which I hope my Blip pals will enjoy. Some of my submissions I have been happy with whilst with others, not so but that I suppose is the way it goes.

Membership of Blipfoto was gifted to me by my daughter - Anni (aka BikerBear) - and is one of the best presents she has ever given me!

I cannot miss this opportunity to thank all the many folk who, over this last year, have commented, given stars and even Hearts to my efforts - it makes it all even more pleasurable! So thank you all again!

Now into year Two ...........

And now here is the weather (as usual) - very dull and cloudy but with the suggestion of a certain brightness behind behind the clouds. Temperature 11 deg.C [/i

I'm really going to enjoy my day and I hope you enjoy yours too!

If you want even bigger pink Rhodies - click lower case "L"

p.s...and now, at 12.40 pm, the sun has come out!

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