That sinking feeling ...

I’ve been an Apple Mac user for over 29 years. My first computer was a PowerBook 150 with a 9½" screen which our company bought in 1994, and I have never looked back. It’s true to say that I’m a total convert to Apple. I love their beautiful designs, their intuitive interface and the seamless way all their products interact with each other. For an organised and creative person like me, they are just fabulous.

However … at the moment I seem to be in the doldrums, technologically-speaking. I have been fire-fighting all kinds of problems, on top of the one where my Photos app has been stuck in syncing mode for a couple of days. I have also been trying to work out why I’ve stopped receiving notifications of WhatsApp or Telegram messages, and why my Apple watch stopped unlocking my iMac.

This evening I am pleased to report that I have managed to sort almost everything out without resorting to contacting Apple Support. I believe I have identified and deleted the rogue corrupted photos which had gummed up the syncing, but it will be a while before I can be sure. My entire Photos library of 70,000+ photos is currently re-syncing with iCloud and only time will tell if the problem will have disappeared by the end. I’m cautiously optimistic.

My watch is now unlocking my iMac again, and I'm working on the notifications. I’ve typed this journal entry in the Notes app on my computer and shared it with Smithers on his laptop over our home network. I’m leaving my iMac quietly working away in my craft room, and and have downloaded my photos to Smithers’ laptop on a temporary basis, and copied and pasted the journal entry from my Notes. He tells me there’s no charge for the use of his study and his MacBook Pro. 

Fortunately, our resident robin was happy to pose for me on top of the bird table roof, which saved me from being blipless and bereft.

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