Order of the Boot

Seen in our local garden centre this morning where we went to buy some plants and bits and pieces. A welcome splash of colour in yet another dreary day that only improved towards the end of the day.

Tonight was the Annual Parish Meeting held at the local golf club. What an excellent evening it was. After the two years of turmoil, division, conflict created through Project A we have a council and chairman who are determined that things will be different.

We chatted to lots of people, old friends, councillors, fellow protesters and allotment holders. The chairman was very clear that openness, transparency and good governance were top priorities and that the shenanigans that went on cannot be repeated. He didn’t dodge the issue or try to sweep it under the carpet.

The evening was rounded off with an extensive buffet, so much so that we had to bring some home with us in a doggy bag. Oh! And it eas raining again.

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