Journey Through Time

By Sue


When Kay of Keeping Me Sane blipped her Scrub Daddy, I knew I had to have one also. One day, recently, I was at Bed, Bath and Beyond and THERE THEY WERE! A bunch of smiling yellow faces looking right at me. I grabbed one without a second thought and eagerly brought him (or her, it's hard to tell) to his very own kitchen sink! I also remember seeing this product on Shark Tank, which I rarely watch, but happened to see this one being presented. Lori Greiner, who I read about, is an amazing inventor/entrepreneur who is the brains behind so many successful items on those TV shopping shows. She invested and the rest is history.

It's just a wet and windy day outside and I'm not going this happy face seems to be much more fun than anything I can find within 5 feet of my door.

Thank you all so much for the wonderful stars and hearts for the dahlia. They are such an easy photo subject...great lines, beautiful face, gorgeous colors. Can't hardly go wrong with them as your subject.

Last night I watched Kellie Pickler, the little (she is 5 feet nothing, her husband says) country western singer who could pass as Tinker Bell if she wanted, win America's dance show, "Dancing with the Stars". Sometimes it's a bit of a reach as to how much of a "star" they are, but that's another story. Anyway...this little gal with no dance experience was phenomenal. She and the extraordinarily talented 16 year old, Zendaya (yeah, I'd never heard of her before either, but glad I know about her now) , and American gymnast, Alexandra Raisman, were just so fun to watch. What can I say, I enjoy watching this show. It's good escapist fare.

Keep a smile on your face...makes people wonder what you are up to. ;)

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