Journey Through Time

By Sue

Lovely Dahlia

Dahlia's are so fun. So many colors, such lovely shapes, a feast for the eyes with their lushness of dahliadom. This was at the store in their garden department. Our yard has some flowering things now, but it is raining, raining, raining, raining! I tried to get our rain soaked rose, but it's not as pretty as this wonderful dahlia.

Speaking of which, thanks for the lovely comments lately on the different images and for my win with my purple dahlia. It is much appreciated.

Not much else going on. I slogged up in the deluge to the eye doctor today and learned I have a common eye ailment...blepharitis. Doesn't mean that I want it, even if it is common. Something else to fiddle around with...warm compresses, cleaning the eye lids, artificial tear drops. One more thing to add to the list of age related ailments. Bette Davis said it well, "growing old isn't for sissies."

Catch ya later, Blippers!

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