
It’s such a stunningly beautiful day that we just have to go out for a drive. I know a long walk is out of the question, so it’s a case of several stops along the way so I can clamber out, take a few steps, and inevitably take far too many photographs. 

Of course, the scenery is glorious, but today it’s the new born lambs that take my fancy. Along the milder climates of the coast, many lambs are now quite chunky teenagers, but here in the mountains- not long free of snow - they still have that wonderful innocence of new life. I watch from the fence as they skip and leap around the field in joyful abandon, doze blissfully in the sunshine or stand still staring at me, pink ears glowing in the sun. 

The newest ones, however, stay close to their mums - or mums stay close to their precious offspring, it’s not always clear who’s following who! And eying me, this strange intruder with a camera pointing - maybe threateningly - in their direction, the ewes become protective, nudging lambs to stay behind them, or nuzzling them reassuringly. 

I love this interaction almost as much as watching the solo prancing if the lambs, and it’s a tender moment between mum and infant that I’ve chosen for today’s main - loving communication of the most essential type. 

Later, we see a buzzard wheeling overhead, then realise there are two. I spot them, tandem landing in a distant tree, before launching into a synchronised take-off and soaring down across the valley. It’s certainly not the best of shots, but I’ve included it as an extra, along with a collage of lambs! 

Thanks so much for your very generous response to yesterday’s lapwing - and thanks to Jensphotos for hosting Mono Monday this month. 

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