Newcastle Downunder

By jensphotos

The Magic Golden Man

I went to Sydney today to celebrate the significant "0" birthday of friend P.  I caught the train down and left Maggy with T and R.  We had a 10 course lunch at Botanic House in the botanic gardens.  The chef is Luke Nguyen.  We didn't see him of course so I expect the extent of his involvement is that he designed the menu and leaves the rest to the minions.  Excessive to have 10 courses I know but it was P's choice. 

I have to say it's lovely catching the train.  No M1 madness.  Just sit back and relax.  The trouble was I was in the quiet carriage which was buzzing with loud conversations from several sets of woman, loud phone rings and (then conversations) beeps and children running up and down the aisle.   I sat in the non quiet carriage on the way home and you could hear a pin drop!  I swear I will be bringing my drum on the next occasion as clearly this will be appreciated in the quiet carriage.  I just wish I played the bag pipes. 

Anyhoo, this golden chap was doing his thing at Circular Quay when I walked past at 11.15 am and lo and behold he was still there when we came back at 3.00 pm.  We had coffee just behind him and tried to work out how whatever harness he was wearing worked, his left arm never left that stick but he put his feet on the ground and jiggled about from time to time.  In the end we felt it was magic.

I got the 4.20pm train home.  It started off well, it was an 8 carriage train and I was in carriage 3 from the top which meant a long walk down the platform.   8 minutes before we left they announced an operational change which meant getting off, walking down the long platform 8 and then going to platform 7 to another train and doing it all in reverse.  Harrumph.  Not only that it was 30 minutes late in the end. Boo hiss to them.  Well I still  think it was better than driving.

I have been at T & R's picking Maggy up and nattering since I got into Newy and now just home and it is late so I will say nighty night and catch you in the morning.

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