Apples and Oranges

By Anitsirk

I'm always a bit anxious before leaving home for a trip. I'm most comfortable at home at the moment, but I want to see mum and help her out as best I can. So, todays been mostly about prioritising... what is needed and what can wait. My trip into town for (at the moment) unnecessary things, has to wait. Everything that has to do with this 100 Day Project isn't necessary either. I just have to catch up when I get home. 
This was number 41/100 and I'm continuing with the solar system and then more about different stars, galaxies and so much more. But that will wait. :) 
I have some things I need to do before I go, and a visit to the Health clinic is one, buy tea is another. I also want to check my cousins home so everything is ok there. And packing... then I can relax. :) 

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