
By dunkyc

Square Eyes

We had a slightly quieter day today, which due to m’boy’s stubborn refusal to engage with anything that isn’t a screen, somehow felt more tiring than yesterday’s long walk around London.

We were able to get out for a nice walk along Maldon prom (extra) however, which allowed the wee ones to stretch their legs on their scooters whilst us grown-ups pottered along at a more sedate pace. I’d brought the big camera to get some proper photos, but being the excellent photographer I am, I had failed to check the battery, which had run flat, so had effectively ended up taking a dead, heavy camera for a walk…

Once we’d completed a loop we wandered over to a small BMX track which had been clocked by the wee ones on a previous visit and identified as a possible site for some remote controlled car activity (extra). 

To give them their due, they were absolutely right and had great fun as the cars flew over jumps, kicked up gravel and - in one ill-advised move - drove through a deep puddle. The Youngest’s car is particularly bashed up, but somehow it keeps charging around like a caged puppy freshly released into the wild.

Via a car picnic, we headed back to my parent’s place after where I helped my dad move some heavy items about in preparation for their forthcoming move. Frustrated by m’boy’s continued inability to find anything to do - despite many options available to him - that isn’t a screen, I took a walk around the garden with a freshly charged camera and took today’s main of the cherry blossom.

Later on, we were joined for a sleepover by my sister who was down in London on business and so had a nice family meal and catch up before we all crashed out shortly after 9pm!!

People should do this “not being at work” thing more often. It is infinitely more fun - even with a screen-deprived child.

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