Apr 6

I woke up to ice covered trees this morning. We didn't get as much freezing rain as other parts of the province and the country did. Over a million people were without power in Quebec this morning due to this same weather system. There was still some ice on the trees early this afternoon, as shown in this photo, but it was starting to melt.
I put more sunflower seeds in the feeder and sat it on the deck, then tossed some peanuts on the deck for the bluejays. They wanted their breakfast before I got dressed this morning. When I did go out to fill the other feeder, the bluejays were still around. They stayed until the squirrel came and sat in the feeder.
The good news is, I received the result from my covid test yesterday and it is negative.
I puttered around today, repotting some houseplants and reading. I went out for a few minutes this afternoon, I had to drop off some of my gardening tools to get them sharpened.
I am hoping that I feel a lot better by tomorrow night. A friend of mine is playing at a bar not far from my place, and I invited some friends to go with me to hear him.

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