Near Kettlehill

What a good long and much needed sleep I had. Some things on the "to do" list didn't get done but other things did.  Cleared out all the bathroom cupboards, went to Brigend to buy fat balls. The last ones were finished off today.  Upstairs got Roomba'd. and washing got done.The rest of the time was spent on the new computer. I had to jump through various hoops to get into my Amazon account but that is now sorted. I had been going to buy a year's subscription to Photoshop CS5  but having read some  reviews on the near impossibility of cancelling the autorenewal  I did some more research  and am going to take up a free trial of Affinity  Pro 2.. which gets excellent reviews and is much cheaper. Eventually I went out for a photo and found a little path I hadn't noticed before so I'll be back to explore another day as I'd already walked to my limit.  Not a very sharp image but not a bad day all round.                                                                                          

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