
It was a change of venue for swimming today. One of the group organised a high tide swim in Inver - also the same place we went for dinner on Sunday (when the tide was out....and the bay was just a mudflat). It's a fine, calm place to swim, with conveniently located buoys giving you a destination to swim towards, making a good circuit. You enter the sea down some steps, and you can get changed on the grass, so no sand enters in the equation. That made a nice change. This was at 1.30pm. Meanwhile at 6pm, some of the others were swimming in a good swell at Shandwick Beach. The photos look fun. I'm not sure whether anyone double-dipped.

We had a busy day, dropping off some recycling and garden waste (beyond the capacity of our brown bin), before a supermarket sweep and getting some much needed fuel for the car. Apart from swimming, I spent more than three hours in the garden digging out the front bed making a huge pile of soil and a huge pile of stones. Hence I'm pretty tired this evening. I've added one extra (collage) of the garden work (with bonus photo of some guys on the road outside here discussing resurfacing (we hope)), one extra (collage) of Mr A's photographs of the swimmers (thanks, Mr A) and finally an extra of excellent cloudage at Inver Bay. A superb day for all of this! After running my swimming gear through the rinse cycle in the washing machine when we got back, it was dry on the line before evening.

Time to chill now with red wine. It struck me today that our time up in Easter Ross is completely different to our time here last Easter. There is *so* much to do around the house, plus swims to be had, and bike rides to be taken. So little time for so much to do. No time for expeditions to other places such as Lochinver (where we went on Easter Saturday last year).

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