Lighthouse #23

A queue of black and black&white cats, waiting for breakfast, greeted me as I opened my eyes this morning and looked outside my full length glass bedroom door into the garden.

Fed said cats, filled the bird feeders, refilled the dry cat biscuits on the swing. Male blackbird was hopping from foot to foot because no spilled cat biscuits on the ground this morning (usually there are loads from the badger). Finally he jumps on the swing, stares at cat Midnight who is less than a couple of hand widths away from him in the middle of the swing (even though I know Midnight will just watch, I hold my breath...Mr Blackbird has done this many times). Midnight stares back, then rests his head on his paws and goes back to sleep. Mr Blackbird grabs a cat biscuit and flies off. Mr Robin is hovering nearby, and flies in and grabs a cat biscuit. I can breathe again. I am half waiting for the day I will find a bird sitting happily on Midnight's head...
I put cat biscuits and peanuts up on the bird table this morning!!! But no, the birds want them from the same stash as the cats feed from.

Wildlife nighttime cameras...
Cat Midnight's night - cats, fox & badger ...
Fox gets too close
Cat (Midnight) bares teeth, smacks Fox on the nose...

Creative is a peaceful Lighthouse #23 painted in Procreate
No stormy seas today...

Well I finally managed to finish those tasks yesterday...

I need a well earned rest today....

Have a good day today, have time for yourself, or just sit and do nothing but just watch nature.....

Time for a cuppa.

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