Easter Bank Holiday Visitors

Our daughter, son-in-law and grandson came for lunch. We toasted our dear departed dogs by their graves with Salty Dog cocktails. I enjoyed feeding the family and it was lovely to spend time with them.

I put the scraps from lunch out for my birds and was delighted to see a fox arrive and cram as much into his mouth as he could rather than eating it, and then trot off. I say 'he' because I've just read that dog foxes feed the vixens and cubs in the early days after they are born. I thought at first this was a vixen but I can't see any teats in my images. Poor Reynard, photographed through the double glazing, has a damaged eye. 

I thought I'd better shoot a daffodil for my personal Coronation Invitation challenge before they go over. Six blooms are included in the artwork. I've chosen one with a non-biting midge perched on it. (Extras) 

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