What am I supposed to do now?

Roam is working in the States. Shenny is on her way to Sri Lanka. Forrest is looking after Whiskey but I gave him a break so he could get out for a long run on the moor while I took the dog out for a long walk/jog/run. We were out for about three hours in the most beautiful weather. For the most part, he was very well behaved, having to be on the lead most of the time because of the nesting grouse. When he spotted one he nearly yanked my arm off. 

Our only problem was getting over this stile. I managed to get him up but struggled to get him down, not being nearly tall or strong enough to get hold of him. In the end, I managed to persuade him on to my shoulder and then he leapt off. I think he was tired by the end. I was hoping to get a bit of Whiskey turbocharge up the last hill but he chose not to pull at all. 

Once home, I crashed again. I fully intended to make the most of the weather and get out on the bike. It never happened. Hard to believe how tired I felt again today.

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