Clean boy!

For those of you who were disappointed that Louis was bypassed in favour of the Zumba girls yesterday, here he is - he's still looking lovely and white after his bath, but I doubt it'll last long with this awful weather! I can't believe how cold it is - it was 4 degrees this morning, and I had to wear gloves on my walk to work! It's hard to believe it's June next week....

Anyway, I managed to get all my jobs done and I'm now ready for our visitors. When they arrive tonight, we're going to go to the Brasserie for a quick drink, and I've prepared Jamie Oliver's beef tagine for dinner which is cooking in the slow cooker while I'm in work.

We've got a nice weekend planned, but once again, apologies if I don't get chance to comment while they're here - I'll try to keep up, but I can't promise. Hope you all have a great weekend!

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