Outstanding in his field....

We've had a lovely day today. It started with a lazy morning, and then Alan dropped us off in Waterloo. We'd only got round the corner from our house and we spotted this Heron in the field, so I told Alan to 'Stop' the car. I thought he'd have flown away by the time I got out, but he was still there watching what was going on.

So, blip in the bag, we went into town - Lorraine had lots of shopping to do, and although I said I wouldn't be buying anything, I bought an outfit for Scarlett, a paddling pool and a beach tent for when we're on holiday next month. Oh, and some rubber ducks for in the pool :-) How things change when you have a granddaughter!

We had a lovely lunch and then went to Godiva to meet with friends for champagne, before meeting Alan at the Brasserie :-)

Lazy night 'chez nous' in front of the TV - hope you're having a good one!

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