Getting in on the act

It was Lorraine and Jen's last day today and we planned lunch at an Asian Fusion restaurant before taking them into Brussels to get the Eurostar to London. But after yesterday's eating and drinking, I wanted to go to Zumba this morning. Neither of the others fancied joining me, but while I was out Lorraine stood and did some ironing for me - it was a big help and she can come again!

We had a lovely lunch, but there was too much food so I asked for a doggy bag to bring my curry home as I'd only eaten half of it, and I'll eat it later on.

After dropping them off at Brussels Midi, we came home to watch the Monaco Grand Prix which Alan had set to record, but by mistake he'd turned the power off at the wall so nothing had recorded!

We took Louis out for a walk, and came across some Dandelion Clocks, so I decided I'd try blipping one seeing as there's been some really good blips of them lately. It was quite windy so they were blowing around, and I had to steady it with my hand - as I went to take the photo, Louis decided he'd get in on the act too by having a sniff of it! I took some other shots, but I think this one's really funny with his nose in the corner :-)

Anyway, the Grand Prix is about to be repeated on TV so we'll watch it now - hope it's a good race!

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