Yn hwyr i'r siopau

Yn hwyr i'r siopau ~ Late to the shops

“You cannot do a kindness too soon, for you never know how soon it will be too late.”
― Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Roedd ein rhestr siopa yn tyfu hir felly penderfynon ni siopau ar-lein heddiw - o leaiaf am y ethau drwm a mawr. Gwnaeth y siopa dal yn cymryd llawer o amser. Ar ôl archebu pethau ar-lein roedd ychydig o bethau i nôl o'r siopau leol a dim llawer o amser tan amser cau. Felly gwnes i seiclo yn gyflym i ddal  ‘Iechyd Da’ tra roedd dal yar agor.

Roedd dwy menyw o Shanghai yn y siop ac roedden hew wedi dysgu Cymraeg mewn tair blynedd ac yn ei siarad yn rhugl. Cefais i fy syfrdanu a gwneud argraff arnaf. Mae ‘Iechyd Da’ yn hyb o straeon o bobol sy'n siarad Cymraeg. Gwnaeth Alwen a fi trafod am ysgrifennu llyfr o'u straeon. Efallai basai fe'n diddorol.

Ar ôl siopa gwnes i crwydro o gwmpas mynwent Santes Fair o dan y coed wlyb cyn seiclo, yn fwy araf, adre.

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Our shopping list was growing long so we decided to shop online today - at least for the heavy and large items. The shopping still took a lot of time. After ordering things online there were a few things to pick up from the local shops and not much time until closing time. So I cycled quickly to catch 'Iechyd Da' while the yard was still open.

There were two women from Shanghai in the shop and hew had learned Welsh in three years and spoke it fluently. I was amazed and impressed. 'Iechyd Da' is a hub of stories from people who speak Welsh. Alwen and I discussed writing a book of their stories. Maybe it would be interesting.

After shopping I wandered around St Mary's cemetery under the wet trees before cycling, more slowly, home.

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Disgrifiad (Cymraeg): Deilen wlyb mewn mynwent eglwys
Description (English): Wet leaf in a churchyard

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